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December 11, 2004



I didn't know you were Al Gore! All this time I thought you were a woman who lives in Sacramento and works for the govment. Hmm. Now I need to revise my entire worldview. Too bad about that last election. I voted for you!


I also invented the internet. I don't like to boast. Tipper kicks me out of bed when I boast.


And I'm working on the missing 31%!!

I AM 69% EVIL GENIUS!Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings.Take the EVIL GENIUS test at Fuali.com


I can't stand that you tested more evil than me.


Remember, "Meet the Feebles" is one of my Top Ten Movies...Ask yourself, "how many extra evil points is that worth"?


Hello? MTF wasn't a possible answer! What, did you rig the test so you'd come out more eville? (Hmm. That WOULD be eville.)

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