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December 10, 2004



A fluff assignment?

The toolkit is no fluff assignment. It's what we call an authentic assessment. I'm very excited about mine.

When are we going to meet to edit and run through the presentation?


Oh yeah!

I'm glad you are feeling a little better!


You think? Okay, fluff may be too harsh. But really. It was the part where she said we should make a collage of policy principles that brought that word to mind for me. Are you building a shadow-box, like you said you would?


If "shadowbox" is another word for "diorama," then, yes.


Lord. Sometimes I am too tactless to be believed. Do you think I am done completely insulting your intelligence, or should I go for broke and start in on your car or your cat or something? ::shutting up for good this time::


Oh my.... you are funny! I wish you luck ..."Slouching toward finals". I found you at my sitemeter. What a great thing that is. And come to find out you are wasting government time reading my site. Shame on you! I will be back to see how you are doing{look like we walk in the same blog-circles :-)

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