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October 07, 2004



Something about that kid brings out ALL the horrifying Democrat tendencies in me! I want to launch spotted owls at her and slap her upside the head with the whales! What is the nature of her evil! Our only hope is to bring in Jimmy Carter.


Don't blame her. Little kids only know what their parents tell them! They don't become evil, owl-killing, whale-bashing Republicans in their own right until later in life. ;-)


I do love Billionaires for Bush so very much!


Do you smell fraud?
First Question: Why is this man taking his daughter to a rally for a candidate he doesn't even approve of? Exactly what lesson is being reinforced here, hmm?
Second Question: Three times? The man claims to have been abused at Democratic functions TWO other times yet still insists on bringing his child to such an obviously "hostile environment"?
Third Question: How come this man gets these FABULOUSLY convenient and photogenic photo-ops about how evil Democrats are, yet, strangely, numerous well-documented cases of Kerry actually cordially inviting up hecklers and allowing them their say conveniently go completely unrecognized by the media?
Fourth Question: Would anyone be paying attention to this clown if he were a Democrat saying he had been abused at a Bush rally? Obviously not; Bush doesn't allow opponents to enter his rallies.
See you in Hell, Jabba!
PS--go to my blog and read a serious Star Wars fan's response to my posting. Great potential flame war here, people (but he's a friend of mine so keep it cordially warm, not hostilely hot, please!)!

*Name Hidden*

The picture was taken by an AP photographer. IUPAT, the union the guy who ripped up the sign was in, apologized for the incident. Given the behavior I have encountered around here in a heavily unionized area just having a "W-04" bumper sticker on my car, I am inclined to believe it.

However, what is this guy's problem??? Why would he even THINK of taking his kids into a situation like that??? Since he has 10 kids, was his reasoning "Well, if she gets killed, I'll have 9 more." Completely irresponsible as a parent.

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