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October 07, 2004



i think i can shed some light...

the signs on motorway bridges originated (in so far as i'm aware) in leeds, west yorkshire, (north of england).

in the city centre, a group of hare krishnas approach people to recruit and fundraise, exhorting their accostees to "Say Gouranga and have a nice day".

i have no idea why. but there you have it...


Ah ha! Thanks for the info! So Gouranga is the name of a deity? Perhaps she's the goddess of beleagered tourists. :-)


Heeeeeeeeeee! Fnord. Made me choke.


that would explain the phrase "call out gouranga, be happy" ive seen plastered all over liverpool, and manchester, and lancaster, and....birmingham (explain that one, i saw "gouranga" on the side of a railway bridge here!)


gouranga is the word for universal peace and happynes and such

Jim Wade

Yeah, the guranga thing was weird, i kept seeing
the changing circle everywhere for a bit, tracked it down to a band by that name, found a website as well http://www.thechangingcircle.co.uk
they keep popping up everywhere, think theyre from sheffield.


yeah i saw some of those posters around stoke on trent and alsager... really annoyed me... i was wondering what the hell they were all day... so much so i typed in the word on google to find out. meh i need to get out more.


I still do not understand bout this gouranga..



They're on bridges in Nottinghamshire too. That "nagging curiosity" is what brought me to this page!


I was led to understand that it is was ancient text written by a monk who had turned worldly after years of abstinence. After meditating for three years without food or water decided that the only thought in his head was that he wanted a girlfriend. He journeyed to the Mahatmaiwannagetoffmyface night club and danced the night away finally attracting a young lady who was impressed by his dervish head flip. Later that night they levitated back to his yurt, chanted " I'm too sexy for my robes " and undressed. The young lady all of a sudden gave out a shriek shouting that her mother, sister come deep mentor soul friend had told her never to trust a guy with dodgy grundies, whistled for her yak and she was gone. The ex-monk was devasted and hung himself from a bridge, which is a much quicker way of reaching the divine than many years of not doing drink drugs and rock an roll so cleansing oneself of being a common human being.(come on you must have done one if not all of the vices just mentioned. Even you monk types; tell the truth now). Anyway the grand Phoo Bear of the monk's monastary decided to tell the story through a coded mystical word which as a dedication, should for ever be plastered to all bridges anywhere beyond the watford gap, although the Grand Phoo Bear liked his colourd grundies and didn't think himself dodgy at all. Anyway apparently the young monk's last words were "Gouranga(ancient saying) God orange undies really are no good afterall".
So there you have it.

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