Dig out yer copy of "The Pirate Movie", lads 'n' lasses, 'cause soon it be the nineteenth o' September. An' the nineteenth o' September be Talk Like a Pirate Day. So don yer gear, 'n' hoist th' Jolly Roger! Miss Flint! Take th' wheel there, lass, an' steer us true! Arr, there's no life like a pirate's life! Now hoist the mainsail! Look alive, ye swabbers!
Whew. That's about it for me. Thanks for coming over, everybody! Buh-bye! ... What? You say I have to keep this up all day on "Talk Like a Pirate Day"? Okay. Let me catch me breath, while I learn me true pirate name.
And it would really help if Johnny Depp were here to, you know, show me the ropes.
Arrrr, Matey!
Jonny Depp can drop in and "show me the ropes" any day!
Shiver me timbers, I say.
Shiver me timbers if ya hear what it is I'm sayin'.
Posted by: scorpy | September 17, 2004 at 07:04 AM
Avast ye and shiver me timbers--that Depp matey may charm the lasses in port but he be not half the man "Hell Raisin' Hartnett" or "Avaunt Ye Ahston" be. Just ask the Widow Demi--she knows what side of the starboard leeways her jib be cut and her topsails be trimmed, if ye know what I be innuendoing about, which I barely do meself....
And lubbers, don't even bring up Captain Howie or First Mate Dennis Q if ye be meanin to keep these here cyberpages below NC-17!
Posted by: Saffie | September 20, 2004 at 06:26 AM