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September 16, 2004



Arrrr, Matey!
Jonny Depp can drop in and "show me the ropes" any day!
Shiver me timbers, I say.
Shiver me timbers if ya hear what it is I'm sayin'.


Avast ye and shiver me timbers--that Depp matey may charm the lasses in port but he be not half the man "Hell Raisin' Hartnett" or "Avaunt Ye Ahston" be. Just ask the Widow Demi--she knows what side of the starboard leeways her jib be cut and her topsails be trimmed, if ye know what I be innuendoing about, which I barely do meself....
And lubbers, don't even bring up Captain Howie or First Mate Dennis Q if ye be meanin to keep these here cyberpages below NC-17!

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