Look at the Sacramento weather forecast - see what we're escaping for a week?
Bunny is standing beside me right this minute, though she's been tucked in three separate times. She says to tell you she's much too excited to sleep. She's hopping up and down like her namesake. "The Tahoe cabin is better than Christmas," she reports breathlessly. "You can't stay at the North Pole for a week!"
I just pulled the Mom Card and ordered her back to bed.
Last-minute chores this evening included lawn care. Due to procrastination, I finally wrapped up at 8:45. By the end, it was so dark I had to guess if I was mowing in even rows. And when it came to fertilizing, the rotary spreader jammed again, so I just reached in and scattered big handfuls of beads all over the lawn. Just like our forefathers did in days of yore, before there were rotary spreaders. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the manufacturers take into account that rotary spreaders might get jammed by the little fertilizer beads? Wouldn't you think that's the first thing they would strive to overcome in their design process?
Next, I have to type minutes from a community meeting and e-mail them to the EPA. Doesn't that sound impressive? BB is moving laundry around. Bunny's job, getting to sleep, isn't going very ... hold it ... say, it's really quiet now. Cross your fingers.
And out of the blue, Mindy casually mentioned that her family will be in Tahoe next week too. Woo! Tentative plans are in the works to invade Rosie's restaurant for lunch, children in tow. We will gawk at the bicycles chained to the ceiling! We will marvel at the moose above the fireplace!
Enough blogging. Will I ever get to bed?
A vacation in Tahoe sounds like heaven right now. Enjoy yourself, luxuriate. Get crazy!
By the way, I love the flag waving in the cubicle image. That is too funny. Especially if you can relate to that feeling. Sigh. But at least that was long ago.
Posted by: Legion | July 23, 2004 at 08:17 AM
I hope you realize just how jealous some of us are that you and Mindy get to spend time with one another. I want to have lunch with Pam and Mindy, dammit! I should have agreed to B's opal mining expedition in the same general neighborhood.
Posted by: Snowball | July 23, 2004 at 08:37 AM
Snowball, I sincerely hope there's a lunch date in our future. Heck, what's a few hundred miles?
Posted by: pam | July 23, 2004 at 09:54 AM