It's the Monday after a week off. Time to start counting stuff! Let's go ...
4: number of memos left on my chair. [What's up with that, anyway? I just now wondered. Why the chair, and not the In-Basket? It's as if the memo-distributors reason that you'll look at the memo faster because you physically picked it up in order to sit down. So theoretically, you will walk into your office/cube, go to sit down - "Whups! Almost sat on this memo!" ::Hiney hangs in air, arm reaches behind to retrieve memo:: "Better get that - there!: ::Sits down with air of relief after narrow brush with copy paper:: "Now to work ... " ::notices the memo, still in hand:: "Hmmmm ... what's this? It's in my hand, so I ought to read it! Right away!"]
7: number of voice mail messages, though my vacation outgoing message only referred callers to other extensions, and gave no indication I would be at all interested in listening to their petty problems upon my return. Odd. Next vacation, I should compose a message that will make my point better. I hereby open the floor to suggested language.
9: number of important e-mails.
49: number of junk e-mails.
3: number of Canadian-made tourist cookies I just ate. Chocolate maple leaf Oreo-type outsides, maple creme innards. They were profferred by Token Male, who just came back from his own vacation to northerly climes. [Why didn't I bring the office any Saint Louis-themed food? Because the only such substance is Budweiser beer. 'Nuff said.]
2: number of intimidating boxes of files on my cube's guest chair. I haven't dared wheel myself close to that end of the cube, but from here, it doesn't look good. Not good at all. We see an accordian file, rubber banded miscellany, and not one but two cover notes. Why are they here? The signatory, "Eddie", rings a vague bell, but that's about it. It's going to take a few more maple-flavored cookies to work up some nerve.
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