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July 21, 2004



2, 4, 7, 5. With pictures and examples!


Thanks! They say imitation is the sincerest form. Though I've never used the word sincerest before and never, ever will again.


1, 5, and 7.


2, 3, & 4! :o)


I'm afraid the Puppy Picture contingent should have to go through some hoops or something. I mean really. Maybe a nice link to a Dog Blog?


It looks like everybody just about covered everything you listed, huh? I'd go with 2, 3, and 4.


Hey, this makes an effective psychological profiling tool on all of you. :-)


I say 5 damn it, 5 !! Why do all that soul searching otherwise?


Do you need to even ask me? 1-3--NO! 4-7--YES! More St. Louis, more grad school soul searching, MUCH MORE Green Acres/Avengers stuff! (And sweety darling, when are we going to post about our adventures with Wishbone, Eddie, JK Rowling and Steve's inadvertant python? Hmm?) (How about a "Wrath of Khan/Next Generation" X-over--Khan falls through a temporal rift right before his ship went blooie, ends up in the year 2373 aboard the Enterprise with Picard, and after spending several days listening to Picard recite more Moby Dick decides to give up his revenge against Kirk and the Federation and settles down to teach Data how to be human and shows Troi and Dr. Crusher the advantages of fine Corinthean leather!)
Other suggestions: Our Ab Fab/X-Files X-over was always very promising I thought. Any thoughts on revving that series up again?


It's too sad that neither of us kept our running dialog/Ab-Fab e-mails, back when we were really inspired. Our occasional tries to revive it nowadays seem a hollow mockery of the glory of our past. ::blows nose, wipes eyes::


What? No guest bloggers like Bakerina did when she was gone? Are you afraid of weirdos driving your Google hits through the roof with frightening subjects like chicken cloacas?


Oooh! I want to guest blog! I'll write all about beans! And counting!


I'm afraid a guest-blogger would be more popular than I am. I couldn't take it if my hits went up during the week off, and drop off to their normal few when I return. The humiliation!


8. I really want some juicy tidbits about the life of Lutece's alter ego. Seriously, the soul patch he grew is one thing but I want some funk time about his clarinet playing days. Or even later in life would work. Just gimme the dish.


Interesting request from Legion. Anthony, what do you say?


Avengers in Green Acres! Avengers in Green Acres! Avengers in Green Acres!

(Remind me again why you and Anthony weren't hired to write that Avengers movie a few years back, the one with Ralph and Uma? If you had written it, I wouldn't have left in disgust after 10 minutes, I'll bet.)

I repeat: Avengers in Green Acres! Avengers in Green Acres! Avengers in Green Acres!


Hurray! Sweetie-darling, Bakerina is our first vote for "Avengers"! I was beginning to panic.


No. Way.

I will be in Tahoe next week too!! Tahoma, actually, right next to the entrance to the McKinney Rubicon Trail!


Whoa ... that's close to our cabin!


Wait - back up - Snowball, what's "chicken cloacas"?

A "chicken cloaca" refers--to put it delicately--to the lower GI tract of a chicken (and, we can assume, the associated by-products thereof). It's a shame that children have acess to the web where they can read unpleasant topics such as chicken cloacas instead about learning about them in the alleyways like we did when we were kids...
I don't think our recent Ab Fab colliloquies have been "hollow mockeries"--I think we need to have a snail-time (ie, face to face) weeklong summitt where the two of us can watch Edina And Patsy on DVD until BB goes insane and threatens to turn us into James McCracken and Renata Scotto meat pies! Sweety, darling, I'm talking WALL TO WALL FABULOUSNESS HERE! Don't you agree Magda?

PS--do not give any credence to Legion's attempts to expose my past. He's just trying to make trouble and besides, no one at this website knows squat about who I am or where the bodies are buried.


All the more reason to get the dish. C'mon, Pam, it'll be fun. We can swap Anthony stories. Like did I ever tell you about the time we had a hurricane hear at I get a call from Big Tony at 6 am the morning after the hurricane?

I'll leave with that cliffhanger. :)


I'm aghast that he lets you call him "Tony". In my experience, he hates nicknames!


No rules apply to Legion. Once he's in your system or blog he will slowly take over until it has been bent to his way of thinking. Kind of like the Necromongers in The Riddick Chronicles only not as well-dressed. Your only chance to stop him is to PRETEND AS THOUGH HE DOESN'T EXIST right now before it's too late.
You have been warned. If you want to wake up and find that this site has gone from being a puppy pic blog to a ritual Necronomikon and Queensryche/Celine Dion site just do as most people do--mock and ignore me.

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