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June 07, 2004



One might as well ask: why bother to have a bohemian, free-spirited SO if all he does now is hang around the neighborhood guys and talk about electronic pet doors and lawnmowers?
I suggest you set up a random forward message generator tied in to the State's phone system. Merely push a button and the message will be forwarded to a number from the State Office's database picked entirely at random. That way the guy may actually be connected to somebody who can help him without ever knowing exactly what kind of help he actaully needs. Who knows, it could even be you!


I like it. Maybe BB could invent a random voice mail forwarding generator for this purpose! That'd really give the state's customer service a bad name. (And in my opinion, BB was never bohemian - even in college, he was just a suburbanite in search of a subdivision.)


OMG, our tax dollars at work!


Remind me not to apply there!

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