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June 07, 2004



Oh mah everlovin god god,Pam! I was tooling along with a small, sardonic smila (see, I pay attention), and suddenly, WHAMMO! You have anothe fresking blog??? Three seconds into it, and I am frantically trying to remember blogrolling's URL. ["A, B, C, D, "] [carry the one]

Blogrolled!!! Posted!! Trackbacked!!


hey there Pam! just popped here via Mindy and wanted to say hello.
I have no idea what you two are on about with tracking back and seeing how far this spirals ;) but then i never did 'get' trackback anyway!
I have done the meme though.
I hope you will pop over to mine and see for yourself :D



Not on your blogroll but I'd love to meet ya! BTW I am putting you on mine right now! All because of Snuffaluffagus!


How fun! I am going to do it... tomorrow! Just wanted to say hi from one of your laid back readers.

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