Wow! This just in: time changes everything.
ST. LOUIS - Energizer Holdings Inc. is appealing to the rock 'n' roll sensibilities of baby boomers by enlisting 1980s rocker Pat Benatar to boost sales of hearing-aid batteries."Our generation has helped shape American culture, especially since we're the first to be raised on rock 'n' roll," Benatar says in a brochure for Energizer's new marketing campaign, "It's Hip to Hear."
No! Tell me she did not just say "It's Hip to Hear"!
"From Aerosmith to the Rolling Stones, our music defines us, but all those years of rockin' are beginning to take a toll," she says.
Wha - ? She makes it sound like that's a bad thing.
I beg your pardon, Pat - er, I mean, Ms. Benatar ma'am, but we didn't go to all the trouble to listen to rock songs and watch rock videos and go to rock concerts and emulate rock rebellion, only to have you rock singers go and change the message now.
Next thing you know, they'll buy the rights to Cake's lyrics, leech all the irony out of them, and use them to hawk Geritol.
Aging black leather and hospital bills / Tattoo removal and dozens of pills / Your liver pays dearly now for youthful magic moments / But rock on completely with some brand new components!
Like the song says, marketing is a battlefield.
Posted by: Keith | May 30, 2004 at 05:25 AM
Remind me to puke when I see Joe Jackson pimping for "Trace-A-Mate Local GPS Service": "Is she really going out with him/Is she really going to take him home tonight?/Is she really going out with him?/If she thrives on decieving here's something that's showing you where..."
Posted by: Anthony | June 01, 2004 at 07:24 AM